Hopefully, you are already great at what you do, and now you are ready for a web presence that harvests more business from the internet than any competitor within a 10 mile radius.
Why 10 Miles?
We understand that it's hard to collaborate openly with the stench of rivalry in the air, or fear that your competition will steal your ideas for success. For this reason, we promise not to let a competitor join your group if they're located within 10 miles of your business.
YOU, will be "the guy" or "the gal" or "the business" for whatever it is that you do. Our mission is to help our members succeed online and their can only be one, #1 "fill in the blank" business on Google within 10 miles. For this reason, it would be a conflict of interest to admit your competitor so it just doesn't happen.
No Exceptions on the 10 mile rule. If your business address is within 10 miles of a current like-profession member, do not expect to be admitted. If you have the same professional license, but you don't think you are a competitor of a member because your business or practice is "different," it doesn't matter. Holding the same professional license regardless of whether you use it, disqualifies you. Legal and Marketing service categories are closed.
While no coding or advance technical skills are required, you should be comfortable checking email, using Facebook and typing content in standard English. We can help you edit the content you create, but you'll first have to create your content so we have something to work with. We will help you with the direction for your content to go in, so do not worry if you tend to be stricken by writer's block or bad grammar.
If you are serious about your success and you are ready to get to work, click below.